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What Employers Should Know About Doing Business in Thailand in 2023 2023年雇主在泰國做生意應知事項

Many companies have relocated to Thailand recently to benefit from the advantages of its diverse market. For example, on 30th January 2023, Sony announced that it has transitioned the manufacturing of cameras out of China and to build a factory in Thailand, which amounts to about 90% of its total production. In addition, BOI approved and granted investment projects worth a total of 660 billion baht last year in Thailand. Following are recent regulatory developments in Thailand that employers in Thailand should be aware of:

許多公司已搬到泰國以便受益於其多元化市場的優勢。例如,Sony在2023年1月30日宣布已將相機製造從中國轉移到泰國的一家工廠,約佔其總產量的 90%。此外,去年泰國投資委員會核准的投資項目總額達6,600億泰銖。以下是泰國雇主應注意的泰國近期監管動態:

Companies should have written remote working agreements


On 28th December 2022, Work from Home Bill has been passed, which adds additional articles indicating the right for remote workers. The new Bill provides that a company should have relevant rules in written form including benefits for remote workers. For example, the well-being of the employee is better, not wasting time on traveling and to reduce the cost of transportation for its employees. Also, employees should be treated equally regardless of working from home or working at office. For more detail, please refer to our earlier article “Thailand Adopts Work from Home Bill” at .

2022 年 12 月 28 日,泰國通過《在家工作法案》,增加額外的法條,規定遠端工作者的權利。新法案規定公司應該有相關書面規定來保障遠端工作者的權利。例如,員工的福祉更好,不會浪費時間出差,降低員工成本。此外,無論是在家工作還是在辦公室工作,員工都應該受到平等對待。欲了解更多詳情,請參閱我們之前的文章“泰國採納在家工作法案”在

Minimum daily wages has been increased since October 2022


Starting from 1st October 2022, the minimum daily wages has been increased by an average of 5.02%. This increase helps workers to deal with the lingering impact for COVID-19. For more detail of the latest wages of each province in Thailand, please refer to our article “Thailand’s New Minimum Daily Wages Effective from 2022 October” at


Companies should follow guidelines for data controllers


On 7th September 2022, Thailand has issued guidelines for data controller to follow when to obtain data subject’s consent and to notify data of required information. The guidelines do not have a legal binding effect yet. However, Thai employers as data controllers may rely on these guidelines when processing data on internal subjects (such as employees) and external subjects (such as customers or suppliers). For more detail of the guidelines, please refer to our article “Guidelines on PDPA Consent and Notification Requirements is Issued in Thailand” at


New Rates for Social Security Fund contribution


Starting from 1st October 2022, Ministerial Regulations Fixing Rates of Social Security Fund Contributions B.E. 2565 has become effective. The Regulations indicates that the Government, an employer, and an insured person must remit contributions to the Social Security Fund for payment of compensation benefits in cases of injury or sickness, disability, death, child delivery, child welfare, old age, and unemployment. There are two kind of contribution rate, one is covering the period from 1st October 2022 to 31st December 2022, and the other applies starting from 1st January 2023.

從 2022年10月1日起,佛曆2565年部級規定確定社會保險基金繳費比例始生效。該規定指出,政府、雇主和被保險人必須向社會保險基金繳款,用於支付受傷或疾病、殘疾、死亡、分娩、兒童福利、老年和失業等情況下的補償金。繳費利率有兩種,一種適用於2022年10月1日至2022年12月31日,另一種適用於2023年1月1日之後。

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