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Thailand’s New Minimum Daily Wages Effective from 2022 October 泰國最新每日基本工資於2022年10月生效

Thailand’s minimum daily wages will increase from October. The purpose of this is to help Thai workers to cope with inflation that hovers near a 14-year high. On 26 August 2022, Thai Ministry of Labor announced that the minimum daily wages will increase by an average of 5.02% (THB 337) from October 1, 2022. This increase will help workers to deal with the lingering impact of COVID-19.[1]

泰國的每日最低工資將從 10 月起調漲。這個政策幫助泰國工人應付在這14年來最高的通貨膨脹。泰國勞動部於2022年8月26日宣布,從2022年10月1 日起,每日最低工資將平均增加5.02%(337 泰銖)。日薪的調漲將有助於工人應對 COVID-19揮之不去的影響。

Following is the latest wage of each province after the adjustment:


However, with regard to the new minimum wage rate, the Wage Committee has proposed the government to come up with measures to reduce the impact on the expenses of entrepreneurs from this decision making. The Committee will bring this matter to the Cabinet to consider assigning relevant ministries to come up with solutions. The Ministry of Labor will bring the results to the Cabinet meeting for approval as soon as possible, so the measures to reduce this impact on entrepreneurs will come into force from October 1, 2022 onwards. We will keep you posted if there is any update.

不過,針對新的最低工資標準,薪資委員會已建議政府提出措施以減少最低工資調整對企業家開支的影響。委員會將把此事提交內閣考慮指派相關部門進行處理。勞動部將盡快將結果提交內閣會議批准,以利減少企業家影響的措施將從 2022年10月1日起生效。如果有任何進度我們會及時通知您。

[1] The 21st Wage Committee Meeting No. 8/2022 (B.E.2565).

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