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Procedure of Increasing Registered Capital in Thailand 泰國增加註冊資本額的程序

Step 1: Issuing a meeting invitation letter


Sending the notice of the shareholders' meeting by acknowledgment mail and advertise in the local newspaper at least once at least 14 days before the meeting date or as specified in the Company's Articles of Association and specify the agenda of the meeting on capital increase Amendment to Clause 5. (capital) of the Memorandum of Association, including specifying the capital increase and the Memorandum of Association that needs to be amended completely.


Counting the period of notice of the general meeting of shareholders shall commence from the day following the date of delivery of the notice by acknowledgment mail or the date of publication of the advertisement in the newspaper, which is the date of the latest action, is the first day of the period, and the meeting can be held on the day following the expiration date of that period.


Step 2: Organize the shareholders' meeting


In voting for capital increase and to amend Clause 5. (capital) of the Memorandum of Association requires a majority vote of not less than three - fourths of the total number of votes of shareholders attending the meeting and having the right to vote.


Step 3: Make a registration request and submit the registration to the registrar


Registration must be filed within 14 days from the date of special resolution.

註冊必須在特別決議通過之日起 14 天內提交。

Application for registration of an amendment to Clause 5. of the Memorandum of Association (share value) in the event that you wish to convert the share value together with the application for registration of a special resolution to increase the capital The applicant for registration shall prepare 2 registration applications, namely:

在您希望轉換股份價值的情況下,申請註冊公司章程大綱第5條(股份價值)的修正案連同申請登記增加資本的特別決議 登記申請人應準備2個註冊申請,即:

1. Application for registration of an amendment to Clause 5. of the Memorandum of Association (change in share value) and;

組織章程大綱第 5 條修正案登記申請(股份價值變動);

2. Application for registration of a special resolution to increase capital, amends Clause 5. (capital) of the Memorandum of Association, both applications must be submitted simultaneously.

申請登記特別決議增加資本、修改公司章程大綱第5條 (資本),兩者的申請必須同時遞交。

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