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How to Establish Employment Condition in Thailand 在泰國如何制定僱傭條件

When working, it is essential to establish employment condition between an employer and an employee, which indicates benefits and welfare working in a company. In Thailand, employment condition is governed under Thai Labor Relations Act B.E. 2518 (1975) (“LRA”). According to Section 10 and 11 of LRA, a work place having twenty or more employees[1] shall have the working condition agreement, which shall at least include:

工作的時候雇主與員工間建立僱傭條件是件基本的事情,指出在公司上班的利益與福利。僱傭條件在泰國是由佛曆2518年 (西元1975年) 《泰國勞工關係法》(“LRA”) 制定。依據LRA第10條及第11條規定,擁有二十名以上員工的工作場所應有僱傭條件協議,其中至少應包括:

Ø employment or working conditions 僱傭或工作條件

Ø working days and hours 工作日及工時

Ø wages 薪資

Ø welfare 福利

Ø termination of employment 終止僱傭

Ø petition procedure for the employee 員工的請願程序

Ø an amendment or renewal procedure of the working condition agreement工作條件協議的修改或更新程序

When an employer intends to amend the employment conditions, if the amendment provides more benefits to the employees, it can be freely amended. However, if the amendment provides less benefit to the employees, the employer must obtain the consent from the employees.


1. An employer must submit a written notice to the employees or the employee’s representative.


After receiving the written notice, the employees should issue an acknowledgement letter and appoint representatives to begin with negotiations within three days from the date receiving the written notice. If both parties reach an agreement, the employment condition can be amended; however, if the negotiation fails, it will be a labor dispute. In this condition, the Labor Settlement Office will step in to settle the dispute.


2. The amended employment conditions shall be registered at the local labor authority.


The registered conditions will be deemed as “Agreement on the Conditions of Work”, and this Agreement will last for the period stated in the Agreement. If there is no indicated period, it will last for one year. If both parties do not come up with a new Agreement when the current agreement expires, the existing Agreement will automatically be extended for another year.


[1] For 10 or more employees, Section 108 of Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 shall provide work rule written in Thai language. For 20 or more employees, Section 10 and 11 of Labor Relation Act B.E. 2518, shall provide Agreement relating to employment conditions.

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