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Updates on Patent and Design in Thailand 泰國專利和設計新訊

The Thai Patent Act B.E. 2522 currently is undergoing revisions. The aim of the amendments is to expedite the application process and to follow international standards. Also, it helps Thailand to prepare for joining the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs. The draft amendment has been submitted by the Department of Intellectual Property (DIP) to the Office of the Council of State for consideration. The Legal Affairs Office of the DIP expects that the deliberations will be completed by 2024.

泰國佛曆2522年《專利法》目前正在修訂中。修訂的目的是加快申請流程並遵循國際標準。此外,這還幫助泰國為加入《工業品外觀設計國際保存海牙協定》做好準備。該修正案草案已由智財局(DIP)提交給國務委員會辦公室審議。 DIP 法律事務辦公室預計審議將於 2024 年完成。


Below are key points of the amendments:



The Increase of Number of Thai Patent and Design Examiners



The current number of examiners is insufficient, especially there is approximately 8,000 patent applications in Thailand per year, which will lead to delay in examination. Below is the existing number of patent examiners in various fields:


E-certificate for Patent and Design



Electronic certificate (E-certificate) for patents and designs is accessible for applications where the grant fee was submitted on or after April 19, 2021. 

對於在 2021 年 4 月 19 日或之後提交註冊費的申請,可以獲得專利和外觀設計的電子證書(E證書)。


E-Certificates are usually issued within 1-2 months of registration fee payment. If there is loss or damage to the original hard copy, follow simple steps: report the loss to the local police station and submit the application form, or submit the damaged patent along with the form. While the original hard copy remains vital for litigation, E-Certificates serve as valid proof of rights until a patent's expiration.

電子證書通常在註冊費繳納後 1-2 個月內頒發。如果正本遺失或損壞,請遵循簡單的步驟:向當地派出所掛失並提交申請表,或將損壞的專利證書與表格一併提交。雖然證書正本對於訴訟仍然至關重要,但電子證書在專利到期之前可作為有效的權利證明。


Navigating Design Titles



The Thai Patent Office uses the title of a design application as a key element in categorizing product designs and assigning Locarno classification numbers. Under the current examination manual for design patent applications, the design title must signify the product without delving into specifics such as advantages, properties, or trade names.



Applicants are facing limitations when suggesting new design titles that differ from those already present in the online database. This objection may arise when attempting to designate a design with a name reflective of its varied applications, such as a product shaped like a bottle.



The new development should be considered carefully. Imagine facing potential infringement concerns because the revised title encompasses more intended. Amendment of title allow to refine the scope,  protecting the core elements of a design while potentially avoiding conflict with pre-existing designs.


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