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New Timeframe for Court Cases in Thailand 泰國法院案件有新的時程

Updated: Mar 25, 2023

On 25 October 2022, the Act on the Timeframe of Judicial Proceedings (“Act”) was enacted in order to expedite the efficiency of Thai judicial administration and to provide clearer timeframe of court cases. This Act has become effective since 23 January 2023. Recently, Administrative Courts, Court of Justice, and Constitutional Court issued their regulations for timeframe of judicial proceedings to implement this Act.

在2022年10月25日,為了加快泰國司法行政的效率並為法院案件提供更明確的時間表,泰國頒布《司法程序時間表法》(“法案”) ,並於2023年1月23日生效。最近行政法院、最高法院和憲法法院發布有關司法程序時間的規定以實施該法。

The enactment of such Act reduces the process and complexity. There is also a mechanism to help the underprivileged people to access the justice process. Along with applying technology to organize a monitoring system, checking and informing the progress to the relevant people which agencies in the judicial process having duties and powers to operate such as the Courts of Justice, the Administrative Court, the Military Court, the Constitutional Court, the Public Prosecutor's Organization and other government agencies in the judicial process as prescribed in this Royal Decree.


Please be noted that this Act will apply for both cases that are being processed and will be brought out after the effectiveness of the Act. Following are detail of the new timeframe:


Administrative Court


The Supreme Administrative Court’s Regulation on the Timeframe for Consideration of Administrative Court Litigation Case B.E. 2566 (2023)[1] was issued on 23 January 2023 by president of Supreme Administrative Court to frame timeframe for each step of Administrative Court’s proceedings. The Administrative Court and Supreme Administrative Court are subject to such regulation.

最高行政法院院長於 2023 年1 月 23日發布佛曆2566年 (2023)《最高行政法院關於行政法院訴訟案件審理時限的規定》法令,以規定行政法院訴訟程序每一步的時間表。行政法院和最高行政法院受此類規定的約束。

The timeframe for administrative cases mainly depends on number of cases each judge processes. In other word, if the individual judge handles lots of cases, additional period of time will be assigned.


Please refer to below table for timeframe detail:


Court of Justice


The Judicial Regulation on the Timeframe for Consideration of Litigation Cases of the Court of Justice B.E. 2566 (2023)[1] was issued on 18 January 2023 by president of Supreme Court, and such regulation applies to all Thai courts of justice. The timeframe for a case depends on the classification of the type of cases prescribed for each level of the courts.

最高法院院長於2023年1月18 日頒布佛曆2566年 (2023)《法院審理訴訟案件時限的司法規定》法令,該規定適用於泰國所有法院。案件的時限取決於各級法院規定的案件類型的分類。

1. First Instance Court


a. Special Management Case: a case has the tendency to be finalized within one hearing;


b. Ordinary Case: a case requiting witness examination and the procedure cannot be completed expeditiously;


c. Extraordinary Case: a complicated case that is unable to arrange back-to-back witness examination hearing and requires to schedule 2-4 separate sessions for witness examination.


2. Appeal Court


a. Appeal Court: no special classification;

上訴法院: 無特殊分類;

b. Regional Appeal Court and Specialized Cases Appeal Court;


Ø Special Urgent Case: a case with no complication and can be adjudicated expeditiously;


Ø Urgent Case: a case containing some complicated disputed issues, but can be adjudicated expeditiously;


Ø Special Case: a case is required to be admitted by president of these Appeal Courts;


Ø General Case or Normal Cases: a case does not fall under Special Urgent, Urgent Case or Special Case.


3. Supreme Court


Please refer to below table for timeframe detail:


Please be noted that the prescribed timeframe is not decisive and could be extended due to procedural activities, characteristics or circumstance of the case.


Constitutional Court


The Regulation on Timeframe for Consideration of Litigation Case of the Constitutional Court B.E. 2566 (2023)[1] was issued on 23 January 2023. According to such regulation, all cases under the jurisdiction of Constitutional Court must be completed within 1 year of acceptance.


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