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Digital ID Services Are Regulated in Thailand 泰國監管數位身份服務

On 22nd December 2022, Royal Decree on Supervision of Regulated Digital Identification Authentication and Verification Service Businesses B.E. 2565 (2022), was published in the Government Gazette, will take into effect from 21 June 2023 onward. The purpose of this Royal Decree is to regulate business operators who provide digital identification authentication and verification services (“Digital ID Services”) in Thailand.

在2022年12月22日,佛曆2565年(2022年)《有關監管數位身份認證認證服務業務》的皇家法令公告在政府公報上,並將於2023年6月21日正式生效。此皇家法令的目的是在泰國規範提供數位身份驗證和驗證服務的經營者(“Digital ID Services”) 。

Following are detail and requirements of the Royal Decree:


Regulated Digital ID Services, which require prior approval from Electronic Transaction Development Agency.


1. Identity verification service – Services for collecting and identifying information relating to the identity of a person, and verifying the connections between the person and the identity.


2. Authenticator issuance and management service – Services relating to the connection between a person who has passed the identification process with an authenticator, and managing actions which are used to identify a person.


3. Authentication service – Process to authenticate a person by inspecting his/her authenticator.


4. Digital ID networks/systems – Provision of networks or systems used to exchange information for digital identification purposes, excluding services provided by an intermediary.


Condition for Exempted Digital ID Services


1. Issuance of certificates to support the use of electronic signatures in accordance with the Electronic Transaction Act.


2. Digital ID Services conducted for use within the operator’s own business only, and which does not involve the provision of such services to third parties.


3. Other Digital ID Services as prescribed by the Electronic Transaction Committee.


Requirements for Business Operators


1. Qualified operator can be (i) private limited companies; (ii) public limited companies; and (iii) other juristic persons as prescribed by the Electronic Transaction Committee.

符合資格的運營商可以是 (i) 私人有限公司; (ii) 公共有限公司; (iii) 泰國電子交易委員會規定的其他法人。

2. Cannot be someone who is bankrupts, incompetent and/or quasi-incompetent.


Furthermore, Transaction Committee may require minimum capital requirements, or establish rules and requirements if necessary. Once the application is approved, starting from the approval date, business operator is required to submit an assessment report to prove that it is ready to commence the business within 180 days prior to starting the Digital ID Services business. The 180-day period can be extended if necessary, but not more than 240 days.

此外,泰國交易委員會可能會要求最低資本要求,或在必要時制定規則和要求。申請獲准後,自核准日起,經營者需在經營數位身份服務業務前180日內提交評估報告,證明具備開業的條件。必要時可以延長 180 天的期限,但不得超過 240 天。

Measures to alleviate damage, compensation or remedy the person who has been damaged from the business operation of the licensee under section 24 (5) shall at least consist of:

根據第24 (5)條減輕損害、補償或補救因被許可人的業務經營而受到損害的人的措施應至少包括:

(1) A channel to provide assistance to service users who have been damaged from using the service;


(2) Procedures and measures to take care of service users who suffer damage from using such service;


(3) Procedures for remedies of damages and to notify the results of the operations to service users;


(4) Determination of compensation or remedies for damages of the licensee in the terms of the contract or the terms of service;




Damages such as personal data theft, identity theft, etc.


The Royal Decree allows existing business operators to continue to provide Digital ID Services. However, they must submit an application along with the assessment report to prove their readiness for operation of the Digital ID Services business within September 18, 2023. Once the application and report have been submitted, the business operators are entitled to continue to operate their Digital ID Services businesses unless Electronic Transaction Committee issues an order for them to cease operations.

皇家法令允許現有的商業經營者繼續提供數位身份服務。但是,他們必須在2023 年 9 月 18 日之前連同評估報告一起提交申請,以證明他們已準備好經營數位身份服業務。提交申請和報告後,運營商有權繼續經營數位身份服務,除非泰國電子交易委員會發出停止運營的命令。

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