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Additional Obligations is Announced in Thailand for Specific Digital Marketplaces 泰國宣布針對特定數位市場的額外義務

The Electronic Transaction Development Agency (“ETDA”) in Thailand has publicized a new draft notification (the “Draft Bill”) detailing additional duties for specific marketplace digital platform service (“DPS”) operators under Section 18(2) of the Royal Decree on Operation of Digital Platform Service Businesses Subject to Prior Notification B.E. 2565 (2022). The Draft Bill is open for public comments until 30 November 2024.

泰國電子交易發展機構(“ETDA”)公佈一份新的通知草案(“Draft Bill”),詳細說明根據《佛曆2565年(2022)數位平台服務業務運作的皇家法令》第 18(2)條規定,特定市場數位平台服務(“DPS”)業者的額外職責須事先通知。該法案草案將在 2024 年 11 月 30 日之前公開徵求公眾意見。

The Draft Bill applies to “marketplace digital platform services,” which refers to digital platform services that serve as an intermediary for buying or exchanging goods and provide services to facilitate sale transactions, such as providing communication systems (e.g., chat features), shopping carts, delivery arrangements, and supplemental payment processing facilitation.


The Draft Bill imposes additional obligations on DPS that pose risks to financial and commercial security, reliability, and creditability in data message systems, or potential harms to the public, as prescribed under Section 18 (2) of the Royal Decree as follows:

法案草案對 DPS 施加額外義務,這些義務對資料資訊系統的金融和商業安全、可靠性和信譽構成風險,或對公眾造成潛在損害,根據皇家法令第 18 (2) 條規定,如下:



The marketplace operators is required to be registered as legal entities in Thailand.


Terms and Conditions


The terms and conditions must be in Thai, clear, accessible, and understandable, and may include graphical elements for explanation.


In addition, it must prescribe conditions relating to the sale of products subject to specific standards, such as those restricted under the Food Act, the Drugs Act, and the Industrial Product Standards Act. Such conditions include requiring merchants on the platform (“Business Users”) to obtain and present necessary licenses, permits, or certificates from relevant authorities to the marketplace operator, to counter the sale or advertising of prohibited or infringing products.


Verification and Authentication


The authentication and verification may be by means of collection of information such as the name, address, phone number, email address, and identification documents, as well as bank account details and registration numbers of legal entities, for verification. They must also check this information against the government’s database or request reliable evidence from business users. In this regard, certain information of business users must be made available on the platform for all users (e.g., consumers) to check or the use of an authentication system having a reliability standard of no lesser than the Identity Assurance Level (“IAL2”).


Maintaining Record of Registry


The DPS is required to maintain a record of registry for Business Users, it may be required to submit such record to ETDA periodically or upon request.

DPS 需要維護企業用戶的註冊記錄,可能需要定期或根據要求向 ETDA 提交此類記錄。

Sales and Advertisement Control


Marketplace operators must (1) have details relating to business users’ products subject to specific standards available on the platform for users’ examination, such as pictures and descriptions, product registration numbers and marks, the names, contact details, and other information of manufacturers, importers, and sellers, storage locations, and copyright-related details. (2) check the details of products subject to specific standards against relevant state agencies’ databases and verify the details provided by business users. (3) display a mark to inform users which products sold on the platform require standard certification, licenses, or permits. (4) record information relating to user reviews of products, including users’ names and contact details, and implement mechanisms to protect business users from defaming or false reviews or comments.

市場運營商必須(1)擁有符合平台特定標準的企業用戶產品的詳細資訊,以供用戶檢查,例如圖片和描述、產品註冊號碼和標記、製造商、進口商和銷售商的名稱、聯絡資訊和其他資訊、儲存位置以及著作權相關詳細資訊。(2)根據國家相關機構的資料庫,對符合特定標準的產品詳細資料進行核對,並核實企業用戶提供的詳細資訊。(3) 顯示標誌,告知使用者平台銷售的哪些產品需要標準認證、執照或許可證。(4) 記錄與產品的使用者評論有關的資訊,包括使用者姓名和聯絡方式,並實施保護商業使用者免受誹謗或虛假評論或評論的機制。

Notice-and-takedown Mechanism


Marketplace operators must create a notice-and-takedown mechanism to allow users to report illegal goods, prohibited goods, and intellectual property rights infringement. The operators must examine and notify users and business users of actions being undertaken within 24 hours and must allow business users to appeal the complaint within 30 days upon receiving a notice from the operators.



Under this Draft Bill, the digital platform service is required to specify the penalties for business users who fail to comply with the aforesaid obligations, the level of penalty is left open for public opinion on whether there shall be a written warning and grace period for correction, or business users failure to comply shall be subjected to termination of service by the digital platform service without prior notification.



Reporting Requirements


Marketplace operators are required to report on compliance with the draft notification’s requirements to the ETDA together with the annual report every year.

市場運營商每年必須向 ETDA 報告遵守通知草案要求的情況以及年度報告。

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