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美國公民在泰國投資的特權Privileges for the American citizen to invest in Thailand

Updated: Dec 21, 2019


For Americans who are interested to invest Thailand, here are the following privileges you should look into





2.銀行 (涉及託管業務)及



In accordance to the US Thai Amity Treaty (1996), provides significant privileges for US investors to run businesses in Thailand for both corporations and individuals:

permission to hold majority of the shares or the whole company, branch office or

representative office located in Thailand and

may engage in business on the same basis as Thai citizens/ companies, and are exempt from most of the restrictions of foreign investment imposed by Foreign Business Act.

Privilege Exceptions include only

-fiduciary functions;

-operating in the field of banking (involving depository functions) and

-land ownership.

Special rights and benefits to American citizens (in violation of WTO rules!)

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